HBS Healthy/Controls

Human Adult Stem Cells
Human Adult Stem Cells
Human HSC's
Human MSC's

Human Biofluids
BronchoAlveolar Lavage (BAL)
Human Amniotic Fluid
Human Ascites
Human Bile
Human Biofluids
Human Bone Marrow Aspirates
Human Breast Milk
Human Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF)
Human Fecal Matter
Human Nasal Fluid
Human Saliva
Human Semen
Human Sputum
Human Synovial Fluid
Human Tears
Human Urine
Human Vaginal Fluid / Swab
Human Vitreous Humor

Human Biological Samples
HBS: Human Biological Samples
Human DNA & RNA

Human Blood
Human Blood
Human Umbilical Cord Blood
Human Whole Blood

Human Blood By-Products
Human Buffy Coats
Human Plasma
Human Red Blood Cells
Human Serum

Human DNA & RNA
Human DNA
Human RNA

Human Cell Products
Human Cell Lysates
Human Cell Products
Human Exosomes

Human Fixed Tissue
Human Fixed Tissue

Human Fresh Tissue
Human Fresh Tissue

Human Frozen Tissue
Human Frozen Tissue

Human Immortalized Cell Culture
Human Immortalized Cell Culture

Human Leukopaks
Human Leukopaks

Human Microarrays
Human CMA
Human Custom TMA
Human TMA

Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs)

Human Primary Cells
Human 3D Cultures
Human Biopsy Cell Models
Human Bone Marrow Cells
Human Organoids
Human Primary Cells

Human Whole Organs
Human Whole Organs

Human IPSC'S
Human iPSC's

Patient Derived Xenografts Models
Custom PDX Models
Existing PDX Models
COMPLi®: Compliance in HBS
Built in collaboration with top 25 pharmaceutical companies and CROs, COMPLi® is the first-of-its-kind compliance framework which minimizes risk through a comprehensive due diligence process. The process is conducted on all providers offering human biological samples (HBS), as well as on users requesting samples for scientific research, to ensure visibility, traceability and transparency of sample usage without sacrificing quality or ethics.